September 9, 2019

CEO’s Message

This issue marks the 20th edition of the Trinidad and Tobago International Financial Centre (T&T IFC) Quarterly – a milestone that deserves commendation. It solidifies the T&T IFC’s commitment to continual reporting to our stakeholders on the positive outcomes of our activities. Every quarter, this digest provides a snapshot of the key successes and insights into our work programme as we continue to make Trinidad and Tobago one of the premier locations in the Caribbean and Latin America for financial services.

In keeping with the theme of our last annual report, “Redefining Financial Sector Development”, we have considered how best to share this information moving forward, especially in a world that is moving closer and closer to digital convergence.

We have updated the look and feel of the printed newsletter, while at the same time imbedding interactive content into the digital version (formerly uploaded as a flattened PDF). In this way, the T&T IFC can balance the needs of those who prefer traditional or new media consumption of information.

We remain committed to delivering relevant and informative content for those interested in the development of the Financial Services sector. In this issue, we look at the Company’s ongoing international outreach as we continue to position Trinidad and Tobago on the global Finance and Accounting Outsourcing (FAO) map and provide an update on our other efforts.

It is my hope that this will help to edify those who recall T&T IFC’s first incarnation and demonstrate that we are deeply committed to remaining aligned to this dynamic sector.

Write us at to share your insights and recommendations or find out more about a specific area of our work.

Enjoy the Quarterly 2.0!

T&T IFC’s CEO Omar Sultan-Khan